Chauncy strives to be an inclusive school offering a broad and balanced curriculum for all our students from our local community. During their school career, some students may require additional provision to achieve their potential and the SEN team work alongside our teaching staff to offer these students appropriate support – guided by our transition process, professional advice, observations or diagnostic assessment. Parents are informed of the provision in place for their child and have opportunities to discuss this with the SENCo, or the most appropriate member of the SEN team, throughout the year. Information on each child’s specific needs, and appropriate strategies to support their learning, is shared with all teaching staff to ensure a co-ordinated approach.
Our statement of SEN support is below and further information is available in the school SEN Information Report/SEN Policy, which can be accessed via the website.
SEND Provision at Chauncy – a guide for schools and parents
Chauncy welcomes students of all abilities who can access the mainstream secondary curriculum, including those with additional needs. Whilst we endeavour to meet the needs of all our students, and have had many positive outcomes for young people with SEND, this has led to increased numbers requiring support at a time when SEN provision is underfunded. Our budget has been reduced by £50K for the coming year, whilst many local schools have not had the same cuts. This will determine some outcomes, the level of support available and our ability to meet parents’ expectations. SEND provision in Hertfordshire is in crisis, underfunded and poorly co-ordinated. The provision laid out in EHC plans is not secured by the local authority and consequently many parents state that schools, including Chauncy, do not fulfil the requirements of the plans.
- There is no 1-1 provision unless specifically outlined in Section F of an EHCP and funded by Higher Needs Funding. The maximum HNF would fund a third of a student’s lessons
- We have 1482 students and transition between lessons and 8 buildings is busy
- We group by ability from September 1st of Year 7
- Children move around the school every hour, unaccompanied by adults
- We offer some whole class support available for lower ability groups
- There is no nurture provision
- All students are required and expected to follow our behaviour policy
- Students who swear at adults are suspended
- Every student who has ever assaulted an adult has been permanently excluded
- We do not accept SEND as an excuse for violence
- We have a counsellor 2 days a week to support our 1482 students
- All students are expected to attend school every day